
Tuesday, February 20, 2007

John K drawings

From 1992? Some of the best drawings an artist can do are doodles. The unconcious mind takes over. John is one of the best at turning a real person into a cartoon.


  1. Those are really cute and stylish. His drawings have changed since then, but still kind of have the same feel.

  2. Those are awesome, yet so different from his current stuff (which is great too)!

  3. damn these are really nice, especially the bottom 2

    somebody needs to build a time machine & swap 2007 john with 1980s john

  4. You can really see how Lynne Naylor influenced him then and how Katie Rice influences him now.

  5. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Wow! I've never seen drawings from him in that style!

  6. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Wow! such a different style. i'd never seen those before. extremely nice!

  7. Those are cool. I like the curly-haired girl.

    I always feel like my best drawings are my sketchy-doodles.

  8. aye lad it's doodles for me dear fellow. Always the bezzie best and if they fail you can push them under a telephone and burn the occasional table down... no one is any the wiser.

  9. Hey , I just saw the sneak peek for the comic...When will thi s be available for the unwashed? Like me? I am drooling in anticipation.

  10. To Tedrex: The comic will be a self-published deal for the first issue or so, and will be used as a selling tool for a cartoon show as well. There will be 5 or so copies unless I can wrangle money to do a printing run, if there is enough interest. There will be also a short story featuring a solo Ripping Friend character. There has been some good feedback from various publishing firms and cable tv channels.

  11. Anonymous3:30 PM

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  12. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Man, these are so good. I love John's work and all, but I totally prefer his work from the 80's. Don't get me wrong, his stuff today is pretty funny to look at. But this kinda style is simply mind-blowing.
