
Monday, February 26, 2007

Katie drawing

Sorry about that mis-spell. It was that damned typesetter's fault. Katie Rice drew this for "Chestaclese the Animatic". Thanks Katie.


  1. To kali: That's the second time I pissed off one of Katie"s friends accidentally. I'm going to fire that typist whoever it was.

  2. I'm not pissed off at you! I think you're great! You never talk to me anymore!

  3. To kali: Thank you love. Your pretty good yourself. I've been too busy working on the comic and some freelance to answer comments except for direct easy questions. I have slowed down on the posting too. I like your new picture too. You still married to John?

  4. I can't wait to see it! I remember almost buying your sketchbook thing at that toy/comic store on Sunset Blvd. a few years back but I think I was broke at the time, haha.

    Are you feeling better?Married??? Hahaha......

  5. To kali: I'll sell you one for the low, low price of $19.95. I will see the sawbones on wednesday.

  6. How about the low, low price of a hug?

    You should have someone film it to take make sure they don't leave things in there.

  7. Take out the "take" in that last sentence.

  8. To kali: You got yourself a sketchbook young lady.
