
Friday, March 30, 2007

Jimmy Comics


  1. Jim, that comic rocks. How BIG are the original pages that you had to scan it that way?.

    I found the finished work here:

    You people should have to stick those links

  2. I love those drawings!! I like that owl on the roof too......he's watching.

  3. These are still awe-inspiring, thank you.

  4. Haha, exterminator Jimmy getting beat up by bugs? Sounds like my apartment. Looks great!

  5. this comic was glorious. it's a bummer only 4 issues were made

  6. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Hey Jim,

    Is that a Studebaker that George has in his driveway? I bet he takes pride in that. Does he only drive it on Sundays to see his flesh eating Granny in prison?
    Ha Ha Ha.

    Love your work on Ren & Stimpy.

    Can't wait to read your comic. I like Robert E. Howard's stories. Is the comic a cartoon version of those, but with a Jim Smith twist?

  7. Anonymous8:10 PM

    Sorry, Your comic, "Chestaclese" is what I was asking about.

    I had to go back in your Blog to make sure I spelled it right.

  8. Wow, this brings back some memories... It's great to see the original pencil drawings from the legendary first Spumco comic book.
    Are there any unpublished Spumco comics? John posted the entire "Jimmy gets haircut" story last year, but what about the notorious "Nutty the Friendly Dump"? Was this one ever finished? Did you work on it?

  9. To diego: Thanks for the links buddy. I have only one copy of the first issue. I don't yet know how to link stuff. Kali tried to teach me but I'm technophobic.

  10. To abwinegar: That is a Studebaker. The Chestaclese comic is a loving tribute to Conan, Hercules, Thor, Paul Bunyan and other famous tall tales. Conan was the first character to really light the fire under my ass.

  11. To hammerson: Those comics you mentioned were never published, sad to say. Mike Fontanelli drew the barber story and I forgot who did Nutty.

  12. hey Jim!

    I placed many bids to win your guitar at ebay and I was the highest bidder for a long time, but sadly not long enough. In the last few minutes I've been outbid..

    It's a shame! I would have made a nice home for your guitar and you could visit it any time you would like! Don't you have another signed guitar? ;)

  13. To david: Is this my cousin in Colorado? Anyway thanks for the kind words. I have 10 or 12 guitars and only one of them is considered signable only because of the age. However I will sign my cat and sell him for a decent price. Only kidding George!

  14. I'd like to see drawings from the unproduced "Jimmy's Big Date".
    Lots of them.
    Can you provide them please?
    I do thank you in advance.
