
Monday, April 30, 2007

More jollies with coffee stain

1987 another page of Conan.


  1. OK, so where's the coffee stain?

  2. WOW!! WOW!!! WOW! WO!WOWOW WOOOWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!

    that girl is AWESOMELY drawn!!!!!!!!

    that panel of conan swinging the axe is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    if you post another drawing THIS good you're going to make my mother fucking brain explode

  3. To michelle: Actually Iphotoshop erased some of it, middle right panel on his right arm. If you want the whole stain I can post it again.

  4. Each page more awesomer than the last!

  5. Each page more awesomer than the last!

  6. Good, Jim...getting good with that Photoshop. Nah, no need to see the stain.

  7. This panel is terrific!The poses are realistic and "cartoony" at the same time

    Jim, did you have any luck in finding Jimmy's Big Date art?

  8. BEAUTIFUL. The manliest men, and the babiest babes.

  9. Anonymous6:37 PM

    >BEAUTIFUL. The manliest men, and the babiest babes.

    Wow! A new adjective! And I concur!

  10. Anonymous9:18 PM

    wow. i used to think Buscema was the ultimate Conan artist. i stand EXTREMELY corrected. fan-frickin-tastic drawings, Jim. wow!

  11. it's not just "manliness" that jim gets in the pictures, though. there's so much POWER in the drawings. conan isn't just manly here. you can read POWER and STRENGTH into those poses. solid.

    it's really great to look at.

  12. Say pardner... yer purdy handy wit' a pencil!

  13. Great Work! I love the blog! I was just wondering, what is your current job?

  14. Rock solid figures, Dynamic Kirby action.

    Makes me anticipate Chestaclese all the more.

  15. To guy: I am working on some freelance bg design and storyboard, plus making a comic book with the Chestaclese character, and a third sketchbook. Nothing serious though. Do you have something in mind?

  16. This page is sick. I love the girl in the top panel and Conan looks awesome throughout. Great job!

  17. Jim, Sorry for the lateness of this response but blogger was all mucked up. Anywho, no i don't really have anything in mind, but I was considering doing freelance work. Who hired you to do Freelance? Also I can't wait for the comic book and the sketchbook!!!!

  18. Jim. What of a Chestaclese comic?
    It is a big job to single handedly animate Chesticlese cartoons.

    Are you just waiting for investors? are you already putting a team together?

    is there a comic planned?!

    I remember seeing some comic style pages in your sketchbook, deadly are the naked. have you just thought about getting this thing off the ground in comic form?

    I think it would blow the minds of our innocent youth; in a good way, the way God intended!

    as always, love your posts man.


  19. on a side note. how much under drawing do you do for these? do you under draw lightly then go right on top, use vellum on top, or just go straight in like a man of conviction, thunder and iron?

  20. To katzenjammer: As I said, it will be a self published book until someone throws money at me. I ill have the first issue ready for San Diego (hopefully).

  21. super awesome. great work!
