
Friday, November 02, 2007

G.I. Babies

1988-89, Presentation art.


  1. Is this something you're still pitching around? I know I'd be tuned in to the tube to watch it.

  2. Trev: We haven't pitched that for years but who knows. It might come out of the mothballs and show up somewhere on the web.

  3. Off Topic
    Don't sweat it Jim. I've double posted so many times in so many places.
    And I liked both of the comments anyhow.

  4. youve been posting great stuff!!

  5. Thanks Ryan. I aims to please and please to aims.

  6. Oh yeah John posted about this opne time. A great assault at all those stupid baby shows in the 1980's. Seriously though Jim, I don't know how you and the other Spumco alumni managed to remain sane in that decade. Everything was either based on toys or bastardizations of classic cartoons. I guess you all had an amazing will power.

  7. pc: Some people might not think I'm sane. But thanks for the word. If you are sure about the kind of cartoons you like then all that other stuff is just irritating.
