
Wednesday, December 19, 2007

More new old stuff

Conan marker drawing from early 80s. My scanner is too small so it was pieced together unskillfully, hence the differences in size and contrast. The rough color comp. looks better in some ways, color, composition, but I always like roughs for some reason. Maybe it's the feeling and energy that is lost in the finish. Or maybe I'm talking out of my petard.


  1. Hallo Jim Smith. I like her upturned curled lip - sexy! Though she's not doing herself any favours wearing a potato sack. That bottom monster must have regretted tackling Conan from that angle. Conan's expression says it all. Your colouring work is formidable!

    Would it be too inquisitive to ask what training you went through to get this good?

  2. Wow!
    That's great. I like the inking and rendering on this. It reminds me of the Phillipino artists like Alex Nino. Nice colors and action also.

  3. THose are markers?????


    You win the Marker Sniffin' Award!

  4. WHOA! Coolest drawing ever!

  5. Crsp: That potato sack is really a tunic of the Hyborian Age - sort of the same thing. My training is many hours of watching tv, and copying Frazetta and other stuff. Also watching guys like John K. and such.
    Jack: Thanks for saying Alex Nino one of my favorites and we worked together at Marvel animation in 85 - 86.
    Kali: That marker smell is addictive like gasoline.
    Chris: Yo dawg!

  6. Anonymous12:58 PM

    That is bloody epic!

  7. that is an awesome drawing

  8. Jim, you should definitely be the next Conan artist. Fantastic work. Look at what you can do with markers. Do you have any specific technique with markers? It'd be good for reference. Holy mackerel that's good.

  9. Weirdo, I just try to copy painting techniques with good markers, on paper usually, though this was on illo. board. I look at a lot of art, movies, comics and stuff. Real life is still the best reference.

  10. Hey parker, Happity New Year to too, pal! I saw your blog site - good stuffs man. Keep at it.

  11. Hi Jim-

    Looks great! I like all the little details. And thanks for commenting over at my blog on the Boo Boo. While I've used markers all my childhood life, I've never used them in the 'professional' sense. So I hope to get better with 'em eventually!

  12. Love it! That's some insane marker work. Makes me want to study more Frazetta.

    Conan should really try to avoid standing in front of bullseyes. I guess he found out the hard way that it makes monsters attack you.

    By the way, do you have any more of your sketchbooks laying around for sale? Or are they all sold out?

  13. Pumml, buddy, I got sketchbooks out the ying-yang; which one shall I send? For more info, contact:

    and thank you for the kind wordage.
