
Monday, November 03, 2008


Three great examples of the great Erich Sokol best known in the U.S. for his Playboy cartoons, which have some of the best girl drawings ever seen by millions of perverts. In Europe he is mostly known for his political cartoons. His use of color is awesome, dude.


  1. haha, wow. yeah sokol's great. that freud one's real funny.

    also: did the meltdown thing go cool, or, good or something?

  2. great artist,i'll look for more of his stuff.

  3. Those drawings are awesome. That elephant he drew looks like something Jack Davis would have done. Do you have any more of these?

  4. Yeah, Sokol is sumthin'...

    got a bootleg of the Bakshi Mighty Mouse, and find it thrilling. Tho' i hear lots of complaints and criticism from you creators in retrospection, i think the show had something that's been lost in later developments. I seen 'em then, and now seein' 'em again 20 years later... sheeit!!!

    Perhaps as an artist approaches attaining his ideal, he is blind to virtues of what resulted from outside his own intentions.

  5. that the best elephant i've ever seen, like you said, the colours are amwesome! really spot on

  6. A request, Senor Smith... couldja, wouldja post your Obama sketches???? Pleeeeeeeze! They were so good!!!! We have to celebrate!

  7. you can say THAT again!

  8. Wow thanks for posting these!

  9. Where are these coming from? I've only seen his Playboy stuff, and it's the BEST. These are even better!

  10. Sorry Michelle John has all the sketches I think but if I find some they will be up.
    Chris these pics are from a German book on Sokol's political cartoons, I got on Amazon.
    Rudy I haven't seen any of those since the original broadcast.
    Marc clever word play you old Yak shaver.

  11. Perverts read Playboy?

  12. He's amazing, unknown, and underrated.
