
Monday, February 16, 2009

Finished drawing

Finally add shading and details. Sprinkle lightly with dark areas and serve.


  1. This is really cool! Thanks for posting this.

  2. Anonymous5:20 AM

    Thank you SO much for the post!

    Who are the two gentlemen featured here?

  3. JR, George Steinbrenner and Joe Torre of the Yankees.

  4. Thank you Mr. Smith for this post. I always love your caricatures. I think you should be a character designer.

    Anyway, thanks for the tips. Is it better to use film footage or photos for reference?

  5. Anonymous5:57 PM

    You're so talented you make it look easy. Yet it's totally difficult, you are insanely skilled.

  6. Great tutorial Jim! I sense a moneymaker here - The Complete "Draw Like A Man"® Instructional Series on DVD, with your host, Jim Smith!

  7. Hey, nice tutorial. I like the idea of outlining the overall form before fudging around with construction. Seems that it helps capture the positive and negative space for an overall statement.

    It looks like you made a fresh drawing for each of the steps though. I say that because the problem I have when I create a drawing in steps like this (I'm learning) is that although I end up with a pretty solid drawing, the paper gets pretty messy. It's hard to erase all of those construction lines.

    Any suggestions? Should I just get better at erasing perhaps ;)

    ps. Sorry for the double post. This one had all the action.

  8. It is always better to draw from life, a model or friend, but if nobody is around photos and film are the next best thing.

    There will be a book on drawing the manly way in the not too distant future.

  9. Hey Hey Jim

    You're So Swell

    Hey Hey Jim

    I tripped and fell

    Hey Hey Jim

    I suck at this

  10. Kali good poem there little lady.

  11. Thanks for showing us the steps on drawing a nice solid caracature. Great work!

    I really like how you portrayed George Steinbrenner's stern expression.

  12. Dammit Jim! I really would love to see that how to book soon!

  13. Hey this is so amazing. Thanks for sharing this, hope to see more like it.

  14. Glad you all liked the demo; more to come hopefully.
