
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Art for "Bobby's Girl" movie presentation

By Lynne Naylor, for Bakshi. This here's is some good stuff. What a movie it would have been with teen-agers and gross out humor and babes in towels, whoo-eee!


  1. it's real cool seeing all the projects-that-didn't-quite-make-it art, but it also kinda breaks my heart.

    what year was bobby's girl?

  2. Hey Jack, Bobby's Girl was in pre-production or presentation mode when I first hooked up with Ralph and John about sept. of 1986 to work on the Harlem Shuffle video. Have you seen that one? It was on MTV for a short while. Bobby's Girl has some wonderful pre-prod. drawings in colored pencil and marker with some cel set-ups. I wish Ralph would show some of that or you can look at the new Bakshi book. When I get a copy I will post some here.

  3. harlem shuffle? yeah, it's got some great stuff in it. dig the background art, gives me '80s mighty mouse flashbacks, haha.
    i just wish the whole clip was animated. with really funny-looking cartoon versions of the stones.

  4. Yeah the Stones look kinda bored or peeved. The story is Ralph was seen as uncouth by the musicians, though I can't imagine why. He even had the nerve yell at Mick from the soundstage "Hey Ringo, get down here!" But that's a rumour.

  5. hahaha! bakshi: man, myth, or legend?

    a full cartoon music video woulda been great. i'd end up looking past the fact that the song is such a lesser stones track. then again, for me their music kinda goes downhill after somewhere in the 70s anyway.

  6. Awesome picture. I would haveloved to have seen that made.

  7. Anonymous4:40 AM

    it's real cool seeing all the projects-that-didn't-quite-make-it art, but it also kinda breaks my heart.

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