
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

We got a gig

This is the new band - Hell Kat, mostly blues and a little country. No cover and the food is Wow! Joe Baiza's Congress is well known around these parts.


  1. god. dammit. i've been in the US twice, and twice i've missed a jim smith gig thang by just a couple days. anyone going, please tape some of it on those souped-up high tech cel phone cameras.

    i know i've seen some fragment of a freehead gig on youtube once.

  2. I'm sorry I couldn't be there. What kind of music do you guys play?

    BTW, have you looked at this blog?

  3. Can you add a Google Friend Connect widget to your blog? It helps us to promote you in our profiles.

  4. Jim, you guys still do that blues/rock typed stuff, right? I love that kinda stuff.

  5. You'd better not let this little music thing suck the creativity from your drawings! ;)

  6. Thanks Ryan but I've been doing the music thing for a long time. It does take up time but it's very enjoyable.

  7. Hey Jim, FYI-
    The link that says "Unofficial Spumco" on your sidebar is directing me to....uh...."Pumco" Health Centre :p

  8. Thanks Zoran, that's interesting and vexing, sorry it was a dead end.
    Big bot I would gladly do that if I knew how. My friend Frank set up the blog so I am clueless in that regard. I am still trying to get on facebook or is it myspace? The one with friends. It always refuses to accept my password or user name.

  9. Yeah, man...that day you ran around the office with your guitar, it was evident that you're a pro. You should do that more often!

  10. Okay Ryan here I come.
    Weirdo we are doing mostly blues like Muddy Waters and stuff.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Anonymous4:38 AM

    Thanks Zoran, that's interesting and vexing, It does take up time but it's very enjoyable.

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