
Sunday, October 11, 2009

Mighty Mouse

Pan layout overlay from from first season episode I think it was Legion of Super-Rodents 1987.


  1. I love how you make anatomy so cartoony. How did you learn anatomy, btw?

  2. I like these. Mixing the anatomy of fine artists with the cartooniness of Spumco. Beautiful.

  3. Hi Jim,

    I hope you weren't offended when I left your name out but I mentioned the two Bobs and Lynne for specific reasons. Bob Camp has often been villified as the person who ruined Ren and Stimpy, John K. recently stated Bob Jaques's work as little more then inbetweens, and Lynne Naylor is often ignored as the one who taught John how to draw cute girls as well as set the color style.

  4. Great Jim! Thanks for posting these

  5. Well Dave it's a long story - mostly untrue. Soon I will be posting more drawing tips to b published in a how-to book coming maybe next year or so. Thanks for the comment.

  6. Rick I hate to burst you hate-bubble but Lynne didn't really teach John to draw cute girls, it was sort of more the other way around though Lynne is very gifted as an artist and I wouldn't bad-mouth her for anything.

  7. Also as for the color style that was almost all John. I was there and get really riled when I see this crap being spread around.

  8. Oh okay Jim. I apologize for my mis-information.

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Anonymous10:26 PM

    Maybe it's just me, but I think one second Greek statue bares a strong resemblance to the actor Kirk Douglas.

    Is that a yay or nay, Jim?

    Have a good one.

    From an aspiring animator/ cartoonist

  11. "John K. recently stated Bob Jaques's work as little more then inbetweens"

    Actually anyone that knows John or has read John blog, knows he gives tons and tons of credit to Bob and Kelly.

    That doesn't mean he will hand them all the credit for the success of the show. That would just be silly.

  12. Vincent:

    I am reflecting what Bob has stated on his on blog and John K. said I spumpboard, and I quote, "Bob and Kelly are great and worked on approxiametly 10% of the episodes". Then John changed it to some slightly less pathetic number of 16% to 18%. Either way, that is a flagrant disregard of both Bob and Kelly's contributions to Ren and Stimpy. I refuse see this through rose colored glasses.

  13. Yes Bruce John has been obsessed with Kirk a long ass time. I never appreciated him until John showed me Detective Story 1951?

  14. Rick you poor misinformed child,
    Bob and Kelly did the best animation for the show and no one has disputed that; as for the no. of shows they worked on it was a small amount but what does that have to do with the quality?

  15. Actually Jim I am very well informed. If you just go by what John said on Spumboard, all Bob did was cut and paste everything John did. Bob rather pissed about this. I know Bob didn't work on many episodes of the first season but it's not the same story for the secound season and Adult Party Cartoon.

    I would be happy to discuss this further on the Renandstimpyshitstorm blog if you would like Jim.

  16. Correction:

    Bob worked on a majority of that first season as well.

  17. Sorry Rick but your previous posts were full of errors.

  18. Good grief, does this sh*t never end?

  19. Gee Wil, I certainly hope not, I need all the attention I can get.

  20. That's MY line, pal!
