
Sunday, November 01, 2009

Weekend Pussy crap

Smattering of layouts from all over. I don't know what's going on in those smoking scenes and I don't want to know, I just needed money. Weekend Pussy Hunt 1995.


  1. Great work. You draw a really appealing Babs Bunny. Terrific drawings.

  2. Amazing drawings!

    That Cigarettes smoking scene is the funniest scene in all of cartoon history. You should be a proud proud man!

  3. Anonymous4:45 PM

    You didn't like working on Weekend Pussy Hunt? I really liked all the drawings in that one

  4. I did like it. That was me being sarcastic. I guess sarcasm doesn't translate on the web.

  5. Anonymous7:33 PM

    haha, no just doesn't translate to a dummy like me. I remember i watched that at my school and other students (anime types) were grossed out and uninterested. I loved it!

  6. I am proud and ashamed at the same time, Shawn. My Mama didn't raise me to draw this kind of stuff, Ha Ha!

  7. Hey Jim, my mother wouldn't approve either....That's why I'd be proud.

  8. Aw, I like your shame, it's endearing.

  9. whats the drawing in the bottom of that guy pointing

  10. Iron, I'm so glad you asked. That is part of unused art for cg movie pre-production crap. My good friend John Dorman was directing a feature cartoon to be animated in cg. This was my version of one character.

  11. Anonymous8:48 PM

    I love the design of the hunter and the heavy fellow.

    Anyway, if you have the time, Jim, would it be possible if you could critique some of my drawings on my blog?

    From an aspiring animator/ cartoonist
