
Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Book illustration type Drawings

From a book written by Jennifer Waters aka Jennifer Blowdryer, The book is about famous last meals. (brush-tip marker type pen on white stationery.)


  1. Cool!! I'm gonna look this up and try to find more info on this...the book idea sounds really cool, and your illustrations are beautiful. I hope this book is available now...I want to get it!

  2. That's incredible work. Your illustrations always amaze me.

  3. Katie, sorry but it has been put on hold, but I will keep you posted.
    Thank you Eric for your fine judgement.

  4. Singing with a drumstick, how cool that is.

  5. GREAT post!!!
    The singing dude with the chicken drumstick microphone is my favorite.

  6. The singing dude? I must be getting old.

  7. Ha ha, the singing dude? There's no doubt that that's Elvis.

  8. James and Benj-I knew he looked familiar. Then again every once in awhile someone will ask me "Who are the Beatles?" It's a little depressing but I manage to carry on.

  9. 'Then again every once in awhile someone will ask me "Who are the Beatles?"'

    Now that just breaks my heart. That reminds me of the time in high school where I mentioned that I liked the Beatles and somebody said "Nobody listens to the Beatles anymore." I was a wee-bit pissed.

  10. Thanks Eric. It's not that all new music sucks, it's just that once in awhile really good shit comes along and then pphht! - gone. I feel lost in a brave new world.
