
Thursday, December 17, 2009


Some early sketches of Females for the Chestaclese animatic 2002. To see it go to December 2007 on this blog.


  1. Great drawings. My favorite is the chubby girl on the very bottom. Very sexy. Actually, I like the last two drawings, near the bottom. It looks like Chestaclese is about to learn to mind where he puts his hands. That would actually be a very scene to put in. I mean just having the woman wail on him after one too many smacks.

    Anyway, I updated my blog. Would you like to take a look?

  2. Beautiful!! I love your girls, Jim. I agree with Eric too, the girl with the round belly is really really cool.

  3. Thanks Katie, that sketch was a shout out to Frazetta. The way he draws human anatomy feels right, with weight, fleshiness and skin texture. I don't mind a girl love handles.

  4. Correction: A girl WITH love handles. I am a poor typist. Basically a pretty girl is big bee-yoo-tee-ful pile of soft love handles. That's my theory.

  5. I like a fleshy woman. Great job Jim.
