
Monday, December 21, 2009

Milt Gross

Fantastic piece by the great Milt Gross which you may have seen, full of great stuff - perspective, composition, characters, it's all there. And it's funny too!


  1. The great Milt Gross.
    Truly, he is the master.

  2. That is hilarious. Is that a human head mounted on the wall? A human bear rug?

    I wonder what the whole plot of this comic is. A serial killer kills people by luring them into an extravagant house and having and octopus kill them in the bath tub?

  3. That seems to be the plot. Great cartoon.

  4. Yes Austin your eyes aren't lying though sometimes it seems that way when looking at Gross. I can't say what the story is, it's a piece I found in my stack of archives from years ago. Maybe someone knows the story of this.
    Eric: Thanks I got your message but have trouble using facebook.

  5. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Oh man, it all looks so good! The composition, perspective...

    I am not worthy.

  6. That's cool. I don't have Facebook. I was hoping we could chat on Yahoo Messenger. Anyway, could you check out my latest blogpost. I know I ask that a lot, but I value your opinion. Anyway, talk to you later.
