
Monday, February 08, 2010

More fom the Ren and Stimpy stack

Ren Hoek in the early period style. Big House Blues, 1990.


  1. I always liked Ren with big ears.

  2. Anonymous4:38 PM

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  3. Anonymous4:39 PM

    These past few are some of my favorites from Ren and Stimpy. I love the variety of ways George Liquor has been drawn over the years. Good stuff.

    Got a question Jim- Have you and/or John K. contacted Jack Black (Tenacious D) recently? I'm surprised they haven't gotten you all to do any more music videos... or anything! If I was that rich, I'd give a crapload to you guys to make cartoons. Maybe if I win the lottery or somethin. haha

  4. James I don't know of any talk about more videos, John could tell you more. It would make me happy.

  5. I always thought Ren looked better with larger ears. It gives him more appeal.

  6. Anonymous8:12 PM

    The one thing I found bizarre about the Ren character is this: as Ren had evolved throughout the years, the character started to look less chihuahua-like and had started to look like....John.

    Obviously not in personality, but more in appearance.

    Cartoon evolution is a funny thing, no?

    Hope your doing well, Mr. Smith.

    From an aspiring animator/ cartoonist

  7. Ren looked insect-like in the early phases and evolved to a more appealing look in the first season. The ears shrank to make it easier (in my case) to fit into scenes or maybe it was laziness. John drove the evolution anyway so we were following his lead. I could barely keep up but it was a hell of a lot of fun trying.

  8. a treasure cave of posts, classic images =D

  9. God, I LOOOOOVED when Ren had those big ass ears and looked like a mosquito. It amazed me how an mentally deranged character like Ren looked so aloof in the first season. Bruce is right, Ren kinda looks like John now, but in a good way.
