
Monday, May 30, 2011

Hyaena Photos


  1. Thats is one, purrty display.

  2. Oh man, I reaaaally wish I was there! I was giddy enough from the artwork I saw displayed on the website that promoted this!

    On a similar note I was wondering if you could perhaps verify who did this piece of R&S for me? I bought it at a convention last year.

    Here is a link to the image.

    Someday I hope to add a piece of your work (if this isn't already yours!) to my collection.

  3. Wowee, look at all that purty art! I will definitely make the next one. :-)

  4. Anonymous6:38 PM

    I like your rough drawings, though I never liked working with orange Col-erase pencils. In my opinion, they don't print as well as the Carmine Red or Greens.

  5. There I am with my Disney purse! Oh it was great meeting you and buying your awesome books!

    It was an amazing night!

  6. Roberto, I like using colorase for blue roughs and red for separating elements. I rarely use orange, only when there are no reds handy. They are good for getting sharp definite details also.
    Sandra, thanks for pointing that out and good meeting you.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Hey I live near there!
