
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Art for cheap

These are 2 of the drawings still for sale, they were on display at the Hyaena gallery show. They are the last of my once plentiful collection. Go to for more.


  1. Poor collection, we hardly knew thee.

  2. Damn, wish I could have bought some.

  3. Hey Jim, How goes it? I saw the ep of the looney tunes show you worked on, Casa de Calma and loved it. There was a huge jump in quality from the previous eps. I was just wondering how much actually made it through to the final, anything you can tell us or elaborate on? How many eps did you end up working on before they retooled it?

  4. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Hi Jim, do you have any production art from the 2003 R & S APC cartoon? I've never watched all the episodes, since I'm still too young to own the DVD, but I always liked how you guys constantly experimented a lot with the visual style of the show and the background art.

  5. Kyle I have not seen it yet and they overhauled the whole series after I left so there's little I can tell you, but we did some funny boards before they decide to rewrite the scripts. This is kind of typical with big studios who can afford to scrap everything for no reason. I was there for 4 months and did maybe 5 episodes.

  6. Roberto I have no art from those episodes but for a color print of Ralph from the Firedogs II episode. Sorry man.I have plenty of xerox copies of storyboards.
