From 2003, magazine article written by my good friend Nick Cuti, all-around artist/filmaker. Nick worked at Warren doing art for Creepy, Eerie and other horror publications. He has just finished direction a movie based on his character Captain Cosmos. This is the closest thing to a biography and there are a few typos so have fun. Apologies to Eddie Fitzgerald, I told Nick to get the name right.
I seriously think you should do your own comic book. Your drawings are absolutely perfect. You should be the new artist for "Conan the Barbarian". Why are all the great artists ignored?
Weirdo, I am doing my own comic. It's called Chestaclese. Look farther down the blog and you'll find the splash page. The book will be coming out sometime this spring. I am now drawing the last three pages and will start coloring in a few days.
I am now drawing the last three pages and will start coloring in a few days.
This is the article I remember seeing "Testacles". Thanks for posting it, darn kids lost my copy.
Jim, I love the way you drew Ren in BHB and in the old show. You make him sort of cute when he is relaxed.
Hey there, li'l missy...
Them's shure is some purdy pictures ya'll drew...
See ya sooner'n ya think...
First time caller, long time listener.
Met you last night in Los Feliz. I've read the Animation bio and now want to hear your guitar work. Got any videos you can pop up on YouTube?
Big fan of your work and I'm looking forward to the publication of Testacles.
Hey John, there is a post on this blog of the Chestaclese animatic with the theme song and some guitar work, just a rough prototype, The finished song is in the process of mixing. The band Freehead is playing in late April. I will post the schedule on this site right now.
Duh, I meant Chestaclese. Sorry.
Cool I'll look it up and hopefully get a chance to come see you play.
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